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I wish U wish

This morning, almost late than usual due to overslept... Not because I overworked myself but overdreamt lol.. Yup! suppose to do my assignment but end up watching Lee Min Hoo. I wish I live in that world! I know its all fantasy but don't you think its nice to make it reality..mmmm wonderful life! I don't wish myself as Jan Di the girl character. Yeah! character a lil bit the same clumsy, silly and temper! But I don't really have that much courage like her... Today line up 3 candidates to come in for interview from different post. 2 for accounts position and 1 for trainee. End up 1 call said grandma pass away. 1 turn up and the other one said too busy to come today. What the heck??? I wish this people realise how disappointed I am today! The accounts fella... how to say ya... reason leaving current company because he is married and now have kids and need more money! When asked what have you done to upgrade yourself in order to earn more money? The answer is nothing! Simple a

If I have the courage like Britney

Britney Spears is not really my idol but I just admire her courage. She be the attention to media since she was at tender age. Whatever she does become a talk to media. No matter what is her attention good or bad always become a talk to people around the world. How she handle all the talk about her? I believe , take her a lot of courage to face such situation. Your wedding become to attention. You got pregnant being publicise widely. Not to mention about the break up part! Now on getting more love life again...she just can't stop from all those people talk about her and make money out of the story. I believe she miss her normal life but deep in heart she always remember she need to sacrifice to gain something. She gain her popularity and money but lost her freedom in life. Me? I currently live my life like an ostrich sticking down her head into the ground. I am ashame of myself of not being confident and capable. I don't know when I can put my head up again.... I just feel so

I hate myself

Finally , my LD learning journal submitted. I never been this late to do and submit my assignment. My efficiency seriously drop tremendously. Today's presentation seriously a flop! Why? I was very thirsty when I was presenting. Fasting month make thing worst. My mouth and throat was very dried just now. I feel very feel ashamed of myself. apart from that, I don't see any improvement in my presentation skills at all! No confidence at all. right after the presentation I wish I am an ostrich. So I can hide my head underground... uhuhuhuh.. I hate myself for that. I am still trying to figure out on what had happened to me. My schedule was very pack this week. Individual IB assignment coming up to due date next week. Then next group assignment the next week. Same time, I need to study on the products knowledge. This is extremely important. I feel very tired.... I am uncertain towards my future.... is it really going to be good, bad or whatTTTTTTT????

Busy 7 days

I am seriously exhausted these few weeks. But this week really challenge my strength. My workload at work no doubt very hectic with short handed of side kick! My future plan and on going process also killing me. Its better if this killing me rather than my existing work kiling me. At least I feel more better! Advertorial I posted on last Thursday received very good response. I receive emails, phone call and doing presentation to convince people to sign up ,make me tense. From Monday to Sunday I am working! But I enjoy doing this and I am getting more and more familiarise to present! I know I can build up my networking fast. Target 2 branches every month and will cool down once it reach 16. Long way to go honey! long way! I had not even started with my LD individual assignment - due date this Sunday. uhuhuhuhuhu.. This coming week my IB class starting and yet another presentation coming up on this Sunday. I manage to squeeze time for long delay acupuncture to my dislocate jaw or what so

I can see the light

Today, I woke up with positive mood. Last night I was studying the products by hard. Trying my best to perfect my sales pitch! I have been practicing in front of the mirror with hope I could control my expression well. My advertorial seems to be getting good response. I had received many inquiries via email, phone call, and sms. Tomorrow another busy day I manage to get 3 potential to listen to my presentation face to face.The rest due very far distance just need to settle via email and phone calls. Cross my finger hopefully, I get 1 BO from Brunei sign up under me. My plan is to get at least 2 BOs sign up under me in a month. Hopefully , my dream to open the retail shop comes true by end of this year. I need to tripple my effort to achieve this. Tonight I need to finish up my LD individual assignment. I guess need to burn the midnight oil.. or maybe not sleeping to finish this thing! Although I feel very tired and exhausted but I have to do this to make sure my life better in future.

Between Study and Work

These few days, my life is upside down... I am in between of study for my next class. Then I need to do my assignments. My workload become tripple and end of the month coming up! The most important in the world at this time is to study for my next interview and do THE BEST BUSINESS PROPOSAL. This is for my future. I only have one chance... I have to work for this. I have to make sure I do my VERY VERY BEST! I feel not enough time for myself right now! Hopefully this is a worth it sacrifice! Although I feel very tired but I have no choice to force myself. Dinner for tonight? Whatelse? feel like eating maggie but have to stick with my diet no dinner. JUST PLAIN WARM WATER uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I need to loose weight, badly!

I want to loose weight

I am desprately want to loose my weight! I tried do sit up until my tummy cramped. I ate NH DTox slim pill. I taken many many or whatever said can loose weight but yet my tummy still bloated. What happen to me? I am not like this last time. It can't be because I grow old? I feel heavy and not healthy at all. Whenever I wear my clothing , I feel so so bulky like a sack of rice or wheat! Tempting to go for slimming centre but it is too expensive for me. Somemore now I am on heavy thrifty crisis for my up coming business plan. Argh! want to look good but yet still ugly! I feel so lack of confident right now! Hope can loose some 2 kg with my new regime which I just started last week. I feel so tired right now. Can't even open a book to do some readings!

I am not in the mood

One of my staff just resigned last Friday. My girl fall sick and not just sick maybe more than sick.. ah ! donno what I am talking mumbling about. Leaving me with one intern and one trainee. Luckily , I have one intern to give me a hand. This afternoon when that fella were talking about changing the company name and also change his mind on his current 3 years company's name. I was like want to laugh loudly to his face... Whatever! You can have thousands company. You can rent more or buy more office. But hey! who wants to work for you???? People keep leaving you!!!! Wake up!!! This evening I just gave my peace of mind to one lady... ah ! this people really make me boiling!!! My feeling right now is to open the window and jump from 12th floor!!!! Angry! very very angry and upset!

I am not impress

I met a friend last week and she were saying that she is getting married end of this year. Whoa! finally... Same age with me. We used to be sharing same dorm when I was form One. Yup! I was sent to boarding when I was 13 years old. But they withdraw me from the school because my study was so bad to extreme meaning I practically get '0' for my maths and '30' for my English. Hahahaha.. they just freak out when received my report card. I enjoyed to see their face at that time. Oh ya.. back to my 'so called' friend. Basically we are not friend. To be exact she is see me as a threat. mmmm why! Not really sure though. I was in my own world as usual and my life practically to myself. I don't really socialise. No friends. I don't really talk to people. They talk to me I talk to them but most of the time few words will do. Yup! I am a loner since then. She practically.. a 'PLAYER' not that pretty but sweet looking girl. She had changed her boyfriend like

Its Friday

Its Friday... trying to put up my high spirit in place. Try to dress well, put up more and more make up with hoping I can change my face to Megan Fox or Maggie Q or something ahahahaha yeah! in my sweetest dream. No matter how well I dress and how pretty is my make up , I am still plain fat RINA! sigh!!!!! Yes! I am still unstable this few days. One of our employee is leaving AGAIN! Another farewell to plan.. hate this! My responsibility increases by at least 300% more. I feel numb numb numb... With new office set up coming in , I don't know how to arrange my time to do my work. I smells trouble and trouble. Pepole say we need to stay positive and open mind. But in this case , I feel my positiveness and my strong self motivated attitude comes toward an end. I will SURVIVE!!! I guess.... I am waiting for my Prince to save me but still can't see him... where the hell are you??? I will only wait for you until next then i will shut my door.

Now I realise

Looking at this photo , now I realise I am very fat and short. Look a lil bit like mushroom though! Sigh! How can I make myself taller at this age? How can I reduce at least another 7 kg? Hard to acieve for time being and I have thousand reasons in store... hhihihih Trying hard to start out my learning journal for my LD individual assignment... loose the point though. I identified 3 assessment tools and completed only 2 assessment while watching my Goo Jun Pyo again... mmmmm just in love with that character so much and I wish I am Geum Jan Di the love interest on f Jun Pyon in the series. How I wish this become reality!!!! Yeah ! going to bed soon it 12.00 midnight. Tomorrow need go to work... Continue my assignment tommorrow le... Thank God ! I have done my portion of Group Assignment for LD. Let them settle their part and hopefully can get final draft by Friday.

Here goes another one

Woke up with bad swollen throat! Not a flue a cough or even a fever but just swollen and painful throat. Weird! As usual went to office trying to keep my spirit motivated , until.... My Snr Accounts Exec slapped me with his resignation letter... Ah! expected.. but not so soon though.. I broke down deep in my heart but lucky still maintain my composure.. Damn it! When I am strategising to walk away here goes block here and there... Now it will be back to more burden.. Now I feel so helpless.. Life seriously not so easy for me. Every single sen I earned its like getting a coin out from volcano mountain. Seriously , deep in my heart I feel more and more sick! However, I take it as another challenge and this motivate me to move on from here soonest possible. On the way back pay a visit to Doctor. as expected got myself antibiotic and another tablet don't really know for what just swallow it all! My mind just blank. I didn't take my lunch. Why? Whatelse? work and work like a slave t

Lying Naked

Wake up in the morning with a sore throat. Thank God ! I still have my voice because I am suppose to present this morning. Ah! feeling lazy to drive to class and lend my ears to LD lecture for almost 9 hours.. Sigh! I am so suffering.. I think so does my other coursemate hihihi.. Nervous breakdown and butterflies in my stomache waiting for my turn to present ,Not so obvious this time. Although , few of my coursemate commented I talk like a soldier..aishhh! what you expect? I just wanted to get over it and quickly and ran back to my place. My whole body was shivering... hehehehe yeah! that one cannot help it! Right after class I went for a pampering moment... yeah! naughty me again.. but this time apart from just having rejuvenate Thai Massage, I add in Body Scrub and Boreh Mask package. Yeah! cost me a bomb and look like need to 'Puasa' for 2 weeks hahaha... I don't mind though! I just love the feeling so good and satisfying! Hard earn money... I need that pampering.. Oh ya

No pain no Gain

My mood swing getting bad and bad, partly because I am too exhausted these few weeks. Not enough rest and sleep! My freaking client ' so called my employer' drive me nuts! Yeah! I treat all my employers like my client. I am so called providing services to them and they will pay me for my services. I have been putting up with this one for almost 3 years. I want to end my services soonest possible. By hook or by crook I need to find my way out from this place. I am telling myself over and over again , I will push myself harder and harder to make this happen. Not simply exit from this place but also prepare myself for good future. I have plan and in the midst of expidite this plan but I have to expect my life will be like hell this few months. Hopefully everyting will be in place by Christmas this year. I have to sacrifice many things from now on... Life getting harder when you are determined to achieve something! No pain no Gain.. I will marked this phrase... i will paste this ph

Entertainment for D Day

I just reached home when my phone rang. I answered the call and one lady start scolding me. She were saying my telephone number in her husband phone and she read all those romantically sms between her husband and so called 'me'. I tried to stop her attack but she dont even give me a chance to interrupt. sigh! I just want to ask what number is she dialing. Thats all! She keep shouting me slut! whore! and on an on and on... I can just hang up the call but I pity her so angry like mad person and afraid she kill herself right after I hang up. So I just kept quiete and listen to her for almost 5 minutes accusation on so called 'me'. She then realised the silenceness on my end. Then she start " hello hello are you listening to me WHORE!" I replied "Yeah! I am listening! Go on..." The she said " You bitch!" di di da da di da... and on and on.. Then I asked her " Hi lady! what number are you trying to call? and who is the person you lookin

On the way there

Since last weekend , my spirit getting 'fire up'! I know I can do it this time. I hope it will work this time. I am preparing myself for the interview which is hopefully happen somewhere on mid Sep 2009. If everything fine, I will be busy busy busy for the store opening before Christmas or New Year 2010! Currently, I am busy studying on product and system - prepare myself with good presentation on mid Sep 2009. I don't want this to be a normal interview. I want it to be remembered for somebody who are well prepared and high potential. I want to be outstanding! This week is my new term and class coming up - its tomorrow actually. Leadership Dynamic! Still in the dark no sign of grouping arrangement yet. I read the study guide there will be more and more presentation coming up! ah.. butterflies in my tummy again.. Hopefully can finish my MBA + one Store to manage by end of this year.

another Lost

Last weekend, is a hectic weekend for me. I am suppose to chill out and relax on this weekend as coming week which is this week, my new term starting. I feel very exhausted though. Last Saturday night , received a call and saying somebody that I use to be attached with when I am small was not in good condition. Old age sickness! She used to take care of me when I am a lil girl. I am hesitating between my 1st time acupuncture treatment for my jaw or going back to see her may be for the last time. However, I am glad that I went back and true enough its for the last time. 4 hours journey and reached there at late hours , 2.00am is worth it! 9.00am , I went to see her, she were lying on the bed ,paraliysed as if she in coma. I realise at that moment some part of her body, already dead. Her 2 feet and face were cold and her heart beat were very fast. She is waiting for God to take her soul. Heart broken and sad to see this kind of condition. I just trying my best to remain calm although my

Road Blocks everywhere

Yesterday I was stucked in traffic jam as early as 6.30am at Jalan Seputeh leading towards Federal Highway. I was furious when I finally got to know it was only few police standing by the road side guarding the blocks. They did nothing , basically standing there and enjoy the scene of drivers squeezing into smaller road. Nothing much that we can say as we just merely normal citizen! I believe everybody was very frustrated as most of us are heading to works as usual. Evening time, as my office located with viewing towards sprint highway and damansara road, traffic started as early as 5pm. Damn! everybody was so frustrated again. End up went for mamak stall dinner with girlfriends. This morning , I woke up as early as 6.30am to ensure I can escape the jam . Yeah! today is important day for me. I need to go collect my new term study books. Class is next week. Most people warned me not to go as I will be stucked in road blocks jam again! I bought that thought for a second. But after deep t

Me without my smile

Me at almost 35 years old - still single and with career lead me to no where..:( Interesting.. I was looking back at all my photos, this is the only photo without me showing my outstanding big front! even my mykad and passport photo can see my front teeth.. Look quite sad though.. yeah! this because I am going off to sit for exam right after the photo hehehe yeah ! still can take photo eh? I just love doing all this crazy stuff to make me happy a bit. For this case I am sitting for my Competitve Strategy paper , you think I still can be showing my teeth?? Now since the exam is over.. I still can't enjoy my break period since my new study term starting. Very fast! I have 4 more papers to go.. I just downloaded my new subject online readings and maybe will print tomorrow. My next class is next week. I have been in a sleepless night these days due to doing too much of thinking. Yeah! again me and my looking forward to the future. Very nervous on what will happen next ... Ho

How to cure Exam Fever?

I am scare right now! Tomorrow is the day. I have been praying for Saturday to over soon but same time afraid to face it! Sound contradicting ? Last week, I on leave on Friday suppose to at least do some revision but end up pampering myself with head massage treatment and nice predicure. Whats new with Rina.? She just love to treat herself good stuff! hahah What should I do today? I can't concentrate in even read the stuff! Butterflies butterflies flying in my tummy.. I guess only pampering myself can keep me calm and feel good right now and face tomorrow with confidence. Yeah! going out to buy good pen and also visit to nearest salon for hair wash & blow and nice head massage. mmmm my head will feel as light as cotton and the feeling on floating in the air after nice head massage. Ah! damage to my purse again but anything make me feel calm and good. Why not? I work hard for all this.. what stop me??? nothing... Jia You ! Jia You ! Rina you can do it tomorrow.. I gone through t

Feeling Sick

Not feeling well tonight! Itchy in my throat. Feel like vomiting then feel hurt on my knee then hurt on my back then feel hurt in my heart then feel hurt im my head everywhere hurt now! Butterflies in my stomache in rebellious mood.. I feel very worried on my CS exam on Saturday. :(

Totally clueless with Toyota

Tonight ! I seriously very tired. I did continued on my Toyota question answering and at same time do some reading here and there. Feel so so tired, right now! I just can't wait for the exam to over! My eyes feel tired and my shoulder and back acheing like somebody just stabbed me. I am thinking of my bed and cozy chilli red blanket, right now! Also feel very upset because my friend just turn me down when I request to teach me swimming :((( gives me sort of reasons and pulling down my spirit to learn. Ah! so called friend... Look like I don't have people to depend on at all. Gotta pay for class then... :( Hope this Saturday come quickly.. then can catch up with my sleep.

Stay Positive

Rainy day and very cold! Driving to office as usual with my eye half shut! Sleepy and tiring! I just wish I don't have to wake up from my bed and do my rolling rolling on the bed until 10.00am . Reached office very early again about 6.45am. Thought of starting to do my work then feeling not right , end up continue with my half cook Toyota analysis. Tiring very tiring but yet need to maintain my positiveness. I have been doing this since last night and half way through gave up! Feel like giving up now too but I just can't and have to force myself. Hope to have a good day today. Wish my Boss don't disturb my emotional today :)) If he does......, drastic response he will receive from me... both will end up very very hurt and ugly. Not in good mood at all! I am afraid of myself right now. Don't know what will happen if I can't control myself today. Seriously my mood swing is getting bad these days... people say going through menapous-too early lah... can't be.. and

Don't know what to do

This morning I was up too early and end up out to work around 6am. Yes! call me Crazy! Night before I was so tired to do that Toyota case studies. I still have plenty to catch up.. ah!!! I just can't wait for Saturday to over. As usual although very tired, I tried my best to keep my positive face and cheerful talk. Although , my position in the Company are consider in the range of Plateau which means no more growth. I tried my best to keep myself motivated. I am also in crazy mood today when trying to put myself into racing with one car. Yeah! he started it by challenging me. Manage to tease him by pretended to be into the race. But hehehe the best part he end up racing alone! Love it ! love it ! he is so damn piss off .. hahahaha How to race with you when my house is on the next junction, you IDIOT! Back home tried to do the analysis of SWOT,RBV,PEST, VC and PORTER 5.. but quarter way through I got fed up! So I quit and decided to continue later. No point to force myself when I am

3 days to go

I am so freak out right now! 3 days to go.. I am still in that usual day and night dreaming mood. Everything seems to be not registered to my head! Aishhhh!!! I am so angry with myself. HR here HR there but I seems to .. DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO??? And another week to go I have this CS coming up and Toyota Strategy to analyse! Oucchhh!!! I need to pinch myself hard and wake up from my dreaming mood. Vow myself not to update my blog in another week!!!! I will stay focus and study smart!!! GOD BLESS ME!!!

Its another Monday

Since last night I went to bed early.. This morning I wake up with fresh mind.. stay positive Rina.. Exam this Saturday... huhuhuuuuu.. I don't have a clue what to expect! I listed down all the questions possible for each chapters then try my best to do some research and answer the questions.. Hopefully this method work! Later need to attend this routines Monday morning meeting! Lazy!!!!! but no choice.. I am trying my best to stay strong and try to eliminate any negative vibes around me... Hope this week a good one!!!!

Here goes my coffee bean

Saturday morning... I suppose to get out from my bed at least 7am but I end up rolling rolling like a spring roll until 8.00am. Then went to do allignment for my Tae Bong! End up went to college around 12.00noon. I dont even have time to have breakfast! Here goes my layparking at coffeebean mont kiara isk isk miss that moment very much... Toyota Strategy- ish... heavy readings though! My head feel very heavy and like spinning 'gasing' to see the wordings... amma! Then went to my sis place to check out on her since I feel uneasy because unable to reach her. Good that she is fine! I had wasted half of my Saturday just now. But at least manage to see the sisters and they are all doing quite ok. I am glad... Now I am back and hope to catch up something on my LMP then have to go out again... aiyoh... I am so tired driving today... When can I watch my Transformer and Harry Porter and another film by my x bf Johnny Depp (miss him so much in 21 Jump street last time). See how crazy I a

Apple Part 4

Finally! my Apple case analysis submitted just now. Nothing much I can do, other than keep my finger cross. Now concentrating to study for my 17th and 25th July 2009 exam. Tomorrow need to wake up early to do tyre allignment and battery checking for my Tae Bong aka my Car. Then need to go to Mont Kiara to collect my Case study for my 25th July exam. Collection time 10am to 1.00pm. I miss layparking at Coffee Bean , Shoplex Mont kiara. So i thinking to wake up early bring my LMP reading and have my breakfast there then collect the reading and come back home before 11.00am. Then do more readings and going out to KL Sentral in the evening to meet a friend.

How should I feel?

I was driving back just now, I experienced horrible traffic jammed at highway. when I reached at the cause of the jam , I saw one white bluebird overturned. No other car involved , just one! I notice this car earlier, the driver were driving in very rude and reckless manner. Cutting and zig zagging here and there. He even have guts to flash at me when I was at middle lane. I just ignored him at that point! here else did he want me to go.. Hello! traffic moving slow, car in front so slow and I am at middle lane. Then he manage to over take me from the left and accelerate loudly and brake to show his anger! What with that attitude????? Although, my heart really like want to blow due to very angry. I just ignore him. I guess so does other car drivers.All of us choose to maintain our professional driving skill on the road and being a good driver too. I am trying my best to control my anger towards him by imagining , if I have a gun - I will just shoot his car 4 tyres! if my car have loud s

Apple Inc - Part 3

Yeayyyyy!!! done my Apple Case analysis finally.... Submitted to Turnitin and hopefully got at least 70% green result then can go ahead submit to Uni on either Friday & Saturday. Then my burden lighten and I can concentrate on my 18th & 25th exams. I had sat down in front of this laptop for almost 10 hours without a single food to my stomach just because I feel so fire up to finish up this assignment. The moment I stop and gone for dinner, my body feel so so hurt. I am going to organise all these papers lying around me and go to sleep. I am sure God will always with me and will help me to go through this stage with all courage and strength.

Head Drilling Session@ Cyberview

Here goes my Saturday... Not a lift up hips but a lift up headddd... A day at Cyberviewlodge Resort. I love and thankful for this opportunity to tour around this beautiful place. However, spend a day stuck in the room listen to so called successful people talk... yeah I pick up what I feel right for me! But hell not all. Anything relevant the rest is just a boast for me!!! I am bit stubborn here... Idea to eliminate family and friends are too much though! I may want to be selfish to get to the top but my heart is not that cold ! I love the earlier part of the talk and show on RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki! Learn a lot and I am definate want to practic the formula.... I dont want to be rich but I just want to have enough money to do what I always want to do... Back home I am tired. I want to dozz off now and wake up early and work on my unfinished business (my apple assigment) hope can come out with my 1st draft tomorrow. OK ! I will determine to finish it tomorrow. Lock myself a

Apple Inc.Part 2

Gosh! this is tougher than I thought! I know the tools but how to use ? Damn! I am still clueless. I have been reading the case studies number of times and trying to apply to the tools given but ..... How to write so that my turnitin result come out positive ? I still see Apple Apple Apple flying around my head... Now I feel like want to cry.... isk isk what should i do ? 2 nights and yet I am still blank... this is no good sign.... I am running out of time!!!!!!! GOD only you can help me now!!!!! Feel like banging my head to the wall now! angry with myself! I am so upset with myself for being so clueless...

You have to tell d tales

I have problems to claim for my NCD refund after I bought my new car. I had waited for almost a month and no clear answer given. They failed to even let me know what is the status on my claim and even don't even know who is the person in charge.Argh! Rina is really really angry. I can be one very patient and tolerance person but yet I can change my hat pretty fast to be the mean one! My blood rose to the top today! Mess with me? Let me use my 'power puff girl' power today!!!! Not because just the money but talking about right and wasting my freaking time to write and fax and fax and call and call. I wrote very 'nice' letter comparing the insurer to their competitor and told them how their competitor are now moving ahead without looking back in term of 'mint customer service'. I even quoted , if I were given a chance to speak to their CEO and this is the list of thing that I need him to improve. I even have guts to write about them not to come our with any ne

Apple Inc Part 1

This morning I was driving with one eye open due to my contact lense came out. My eyes too dry.Is so difficult and scary. Thank God! manage to reach office safely. Last night, I am suppose to start my analysis on SWOT, Value Chain, PESTLE and many other tools that I had learned in my Competitive Strategy class on Apple Inc. Yeah! need to complete that by this Sunday and send over to turnitin and get the cert. then can submit on 10th July 2009. Worst thing! I end up staring at the computer blank and don't know how to start... I suppose to think about Apple Inc. but end up think about Apple as a fruit. Isshhh! for 3 hours sat there with all apples flying above my head. How to start? Even this morning I am in the office I still don't have any clue on how to start. I will try again tonight and think hard about this when I am driving back tonight. I am also very worried on my coming Saturday presentation. Ah! for the sake of getting the salary at the end of the month. I will give m

Staying Alive

Thank God! the presentation was over! My nervous breakdown much more better than my 1st presentation. I still unhappy because I still unable to put that confidence when talking. I admire one of my coursemate whom sat down on the table and just talk and talk without even having any notes to refer. So confidence! I am over jealous and envy him! As we predicted since our group present Proton Berhad so many question arises when Q&A session open to the floor... We need to submit the written report soon so currently , I am working on it. Many analysis need to put in but there were words limit. To write and elaborate is not that difficult but to cut down the words from 2,000 to 1,500 is the challenge. You feel everything is important! My other team member will hate me so much because they give me no choice to throw some of their write up to appendix in term of referrence table. Forgive me! I need to make sure all of us to comply with the rules. I am trying to finish all this at least by t

Busy Busy

As mentioned before, its busy 2 months ahead for me. Enough to say I have been like nomad for the past few weeks. Work loads and studies. I am also busy managing up in the company. I feel like I don't have any private time. I come home to just have some 4-5 hours sleep. Most of the time on the road or office. I miss my korean and japanese drama. But sometimes when you getting older you don't have time to watch all this craps anymore! If I still have time to watch all this meaning , no progress in life. I am working harder.. yeay yea people say work smart not hard.. I tried to be smart but I am not that smart so have to accept the fact and work harder and put more efforts! Tough journey! I wish to see my so called silence enemy at the top. I want to look down at him one day and say hey! I am more successful than you with my own effort. Nothing to proud off if you are overidding on story such selling magazines door to door. But the story need to be consistent. If you can afford R

Life is like a BIG WHEEL

Life is like a BIG WHEEL... Why did I bring up this issue? I known one man whom thinks he is on top all the time. He may have money. Not that much money to compare to any other tycoon but just enough for him to retire and live for another 1 generation. What I want to point out here.. He always thought he is the most successful person on earth. As 3rd person whom see the '3D' version..(ny point of view) he is not sucessful at all. He may be a businessman but not that successful one. He may be thought he may grow his business to become multi national one day! Yo man! long way to go... Build up the team to be successful.. You are nothing without any loyal team. You are nothing if you don't trust people. You are nothing if you are not willing to let go. You are nothing if you think money is everything. You are nothing if you don't learn how to delegate. You are nothing if you do every single task on your own with thinking only you can do the best job. You always thought yo

Happy Monday

Another Monday morning.. I am enjoying my Monday morning listening to forever awesome 'Boys Before flower' soundtrack ' and drinking my old town white coffee' after one wholesome 'Red Dragon Fruit' mmmmpphh! I feel fresh! What a good Monday morning.. It is good to start early on Monday. Many things to accomplish. Hope my mission complete this week. Yeah! this week is my classes week. So life a bit like hell with that hahaha.. I will try to maintain cool this week.. although don't know what to expect! Last Saturday , went for group discussion. Appointment at 10.00am and as usual Malaysian being Malaysian some even turn up at 11.30am never respect other members time at all. We had came very early wait patiently for them. Good that we manage to complete something during the meeting . Last us around 1.30pm. Drove back home and checked in to TGV for Terminator hahaha yeah! naughty Rina! Suppose to study back home back end up facing the big screen and do some wind

What's Next???

Although I am currently busy with my studies, assignment and exam preparation, I can't help to not to think about my future. MBA! what is next? I don't really know what should I do after this? Can I be someone in that top position in corporate world? Am I ready to join that dirty world? Oh yeah! I can't expect my life will be clean if I decided to be one in that group. Should I just stay where am I now and live happily in my own world? Should I start a small business that can sustain me at least another 10 years? Yeah! in my previous entry I should just go travelling and give myself a break after my MBA. I think I should move on and find ideas what should I do after my MBA. I can't have a break. Time is not waiting for me for a break. Time is behind my back chasing after me. I can't turn back the time if I miss it. I think I need to really sit down one day and just think and think hard on what is my next step in order to sustain and survive in this world. I need to


Reached home very late on Friday night. Attended this Malaysian Media Awards 2009 at Shangri La. Anyway, Shangri La again??? Never!!! The quality of food sucks!!! not like before...even the service not like 5 star. I don't fancy going to all this function. But since this is part of my job.. gotta go meaning gotta go eventhough you are freaking tired. You have to put up you drama smile to everybody. Ah! so freaking fake!!! Have to put up a smiling face eventhough the person beside you have a very heavy liqour smell on his breathe ... Yeah ! Guiness the main sponsor.. damn!!! hate it when I am sober and the rest almost unconscious! Pepole shouting screaming yelling of happiness ... is it true or just because they are freaking drunk! I don't know!!! I am glad when things ended yeah the winning team will stay on and party till the dawn.. Me? what the heck to wait until dawn if I can get myself outta here... Drag myself to drive all the way back right after the function.As usual I

More to go..

I have a sleepless night these days, due to staying up to do my assigments. I never read this much in my life. Whoever know me , for sure know me as one person whom hate to read so much. I mean all this serious book. As my tagline "wanna live my life like princess", one can tell from the tagline what kind of book can make me fascinated ? Fairytales!!!! hahahahah yeah! and more I love mysteries and historical too. Oh ya! back to my assignments, I done my part on Group assignments for LMP and part of CS this is due to the other part need me to evaluate and recommend which is I have to wait for the rest of the group part. How to evaluate? The truth is... hell! I don't know!!!! CS is new thing for me. I have not attend any class yet for this subject! Another heart popping out moment coming since I need to present on CS. Ah! I hate presentation. Gives me butterflies and ants and also worms in my stomach. Like throwing up. Hate public speaking! Introvert I am! I feel nervous an

My choice..

I was very busy since Monday with work and 4 consecutive days of classes. Many due dates to take note. Assignment deadline and workload deadline. Ah! I feel dead! My Leading and Managing People's class quite interesting however the lecturer a lil bit carried away and we end up finished our class quite late on Sunday. Oh! so tiring. Tought of going through my assignment tonight. But I think I better have a good sleep tonight and start with fresh mind tomorrow. Moreover, tomorrow is Monday. Normal dreadful Monday meeting and more things waiting for me. I hope my choice to continue my study is worth it. At least can get me better position and better pay next year! ( Hopefully global economic downturn recover) By the way, I finally got my Graduate Certificate in Business Administration from University of South Australia last Thursday. At least can claimed myself a Graduate now .. hahaha Hopefully, can go through this another 6 subjects smoothly and finish my MBA at least Feb 2009. I am


Lately , I realise my body is like hot air balloon. I am lacking of exercise and not having proper meal. Many of my pants are very tight and my belly is sticking out. Yeah! ugly scene. Getting worried to this scenario, I am trying my very best to loose weight. I blame for my mid age low metabolism rate... (yeah! we are just human always want to feel good and pass on our guilt to others) I took diet pills for almost 3 months and at the same time continue with my normal regime yoga and stretching. Ah ! never work. Latest trying to eat healthily like fruits and vege (which I neglected for quite sometimes). I hate vege and fruits. Yeah! I am a carnivor. Meat eater! But I also can just live by eating just fish and anchovies (big fan). This week, I went to my all time favourite Night Market at Bangsar. Yeah my favourite. Having the best spicy nasi lemak at Devi's Corner then shop at near by Night Market is perfect Sunday Night for me. I manage to shop for my all time favourite Red Dragon

When you are married...

I was in the lift with this couple. I am not trying to be nosy but can't help since both of them were arguing. Husband : ' For 5 years you have been listening to me. Why this time you are so stubborn?' Wife : ' Because the 5 years I 've been listening la .. this time I am not listening. so... ' Husband : You have to listen to me because I am your husband ' Wife : 'No! I am your wife you should listen to me sometimes...' This goes on and on until both of them left the lift. I obviously support the wife... not because I am a woman myself but don't you think married life about sharing life therefore both says matters? not just one party decide but need consent from both. Anything should go through a discussion and consent, right? I have a girlfriend told me that she regret to get married because everything have to be decided by the husband she got no says at all. Husband were different during their courtship. She misses her singlehood life. Sh

I feel Better

When I received call from my coursemate last night saying result for MF is out, I feel very nervous. I expected to flunk on this subject because it was toughed.I am very nervous to even look at the result. So scary! But when I saw the result, my tears started rolling down.. Oh! my God... I don't need to re sit! yeay!!!! Happy! happy! God Bless me! Thank you.. Thank you.. Although just a pass without a credit I more than happy and thankful... For E&I as expected I got it through smoothly and as long as I maintain credit in my result I more than happy. A distinction will be a bonus to me. So far manage to get through with all credits on 5 subjects plus 1 pass. Its tough though. Good! everything as schedule and hey finish my MBA on Feb 2010 .. here I come... I am planning for far away trip after my MBA. Adventurous Rina is going backpacking to London or Brisbane coming Feb or Mar. And for now... I need to concentrate on my new subjects which starting since 9th May 2009. Next week


How to start this week post? Nothing interesting in my life and I feel boring Let me see...I just got back from my North trip. Not that great but just fine! Back to work overloaded as usual but manageable. Health not so good as I am feeling very weak and hope everything back to normal by end of this week as I seriously need to catch up on my studies and assignments. I just not in the mood to start anything but hey I still need to force myself or else..... Looking for swimming instructor to teach this fat ass woman how to float and swim. I need to swim to stay in shape and healthy currently all my exercise routine seems doesn't work at all.However , my biggest fear is to get into the pool. I can't swim without not getting in?? hehehe Let me go and soak my feet there first for a start. One toe in at one time then the whole feet in then walah... got in and float. Ah! the water very cold and how if somebody pee in the pool damn I will get itchy whole body.

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